Credit: Boston Business Journal
Ayr Muir, the founder and CEO of Clover wants to be in the middle if it all, choosing to put his office in the center of the flagship location at 160 Federal Street in the Financial District of Boston.
According to Bizjournals’ Boston publication, “it’s a move that likely has its roots in the transparency that Muir has been espousing since he opened the business in 2008 as a single food truck. The company’s employee handbook is posted online and mentions that ‘we’re going to ask you to learn (and help us learn) from EVERY SINGLE mistake you make. We love NEW MISTAKES, but we hate seeing the same mistakes again and again.’ Clover, which specializes in using data to track customer behavior and modify menu items, currently has nine locations in the Boston area.”
You can read more on Clover’s flagship location, here.