0 GE Brands Boston HQ ‘Innovation Point’

GE's seaport HQ, Innovation point

Credit: Boston Business Journal

Where is Innovation Point? If you ask your Uber driver, I imagine you will get a confusing look back at you from the rear view mirror.  If you Google it, it is yet to be clearly defined in Maps other than showing part of the Northern end of the Seaport section of South Boston. Innovation Point is the name selected by GE for their new corporate headquarters in Boston.

Jeff Caywood a GE spokesperson, said the name is a reflection of both the neighborhood and company…The “innovation” piece is reflective of GE’s 125-year history, and the innovative products it has brought to the market — everything from lightbulbs to appliances to jet engines, he said. The “point,” meanwhile, reflects both the Fort Point neighborhood and the “acceleration point” of GE as it transforms into what it has dubbed a “digital industrial” company.

You can read the full article on the BBJ, here.

0 Proposal Submitted to Illuminate Congress St. Bridge

Congress St. Bridge Boston

Credit: Boston Herald

The Congress Street Bridge could be newly illuminated by N.H.-based Port Lighting, which would bring a new feel from dusk to dawn.

According to a Boston Herald article, “Port Lighting, working with Salem lighting designer Available Light, wants to illuminate the Congress Street bridge over Fort Point Channel with a series of 29 lit boxes symbolic of tea chests from the Boston Tea Party, along with color-changing spotlights and LED-lit lanterns.

You can read additional details on the Boston Herald, here.