0 Office Design: Trend to Traditional Aesthetics Favor Open Layouts

Office space design

Interior of 312-316 Stuart Street office space in in Boston

What does your office look like?  Are you working within an open plan or a private office model?

Banker & Tradesman describes the contemporary office motif, which “often comprise one or two wide open spaces with desks or tables that, at the most, have cubicles a seated employee can see over into his or her neighbor’s cubicle…Often, the spaces resemble a trading floor, sometimes hectic, sometimes measured in its activity. Along its edges or at the ends of the rooms are shared conference rooms, beside which smaller private rooms can offer a mostly soundproof space for personal phone calls or meditation. These kinds of spaces have very few private offices, if any, even for the company’s executive team. And many times those conference rooms and the desks provided are empty since mobile technology allows workers to do their jobs at home or on the road.”

This scene, described by Banker & Tradesman, is growing application and increasing in appeal. The full article can be found on B&T’s website.

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