0 The Right Time to Move into a Larger Office Space

small office space

Credit: Grrouchie.com

Simply put, you know when your business should move into a more formidable space when your business demands it.  This might mean annual cost or it might mean image, either way understand what is important to your organization and what amenities are necessary; cost is not always the driver.

Entrepreneur.com offers some general guidance for Boston businesses on the move:

“First, you’ll need to interview several real-estate brokers who have experience in the area where you’d like to rent. Second, identify exactly how much space you’ll need now and in the near future. Factor in growth, but be realistic in your estimate and don’t take on much more space than you need. Then you and the broker can begin looking for spaces that meet your space requirements, budget, location and office layout. Once you find a space you’d like to lease, then you should hire a real-estate attorney to review the agreement.”