0 DNA Testing Truck Roves Boston

Boston vending truck, DNA testing vehicle roaming the city

Photo Credit: Brian Jipson via Boston Magazine

So, if you were touring office space would you worry about what vending trucks were selling on your block?  Me, no, after all that’s what makes our country great!

Boston Magazine reported on an unusual truck roaming the streets of downtown Boston:

“Parked along the corner of Summer and Otis Streets, the “Who’s Your Daddy” paternity testing truck, which takes swabs and samples on the spot, caused quite the stir. ‘Today was insane, there must’ve been a thousand pictures people were taking,’ says Jared Rosenthal, owner and operator of the truck, and employee of the company that runs it, Health Street. ‘We are looking to expand services here. We have clinics in the area, but this is the first time we have really had the truck [in the city].’”

Follow the link to read the full article on BostonMagazine.com

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