0 Downtown Boston Office Market spurred by Creative Service Firms

class a office space in Boston

Credit: B&T

Creative services firms are leading the charge into the Downtown market with their open floorplans.  The Class A and B office landlords are renovating their buildings to accommodate this change.  745 Atlantic Avenue has done an amazing job creating a cool vibe once you enter the lobby and move through the common areas of the building.  The new lobby give the feeling of an open loft combined with upmarket finishes.  In addition, ownership combined a “media infused map” showing the history of innovation of our city.

From a Banker & Tradesman editorial:

Ad agency Arnold Worldwide’s move from Back Bay to 125,000 square feet in the former Filene’s building last summer was a milestone for the Downtown Crossing office market, where the 60-story Millennium Tower Boston condos are the most potent symbol of the city’s development boom…But the Financial District, which contains more than half of Boston’s 63 million square feet of office space, is undergoing its own post-recession transformation. Architects, digital media shops and tech companies are responsible for some of the biggest lease deals of the year.

0 Post Office Square Offers Functional Tribute

Post Office Sq in Bostin in 1954

Post Office Square, 1954; Credit: Boston Globe

It starts with a vision for something better.  The city of Boston is a better place to live and work because of the efforts of Norman Leventhal.  Post Office Square wasn’t the jewel it is today back in the early ’80, rather an eyesore.  Thank you for all your efforts and vision that helped to make Boston what it is today.

An editorial on The Boston Globe includes the following excerpt:

Leventhal was a key player in Boston’s most recent great public-private construction project, the $15 billion Big Dig. As the project took root, he founded the Artery Business Committee, a group of downtown property owners and companies that kept watch on the project and shepherded it through times of political acrimony. He spent much of that time collecting feedback, making sure concerns were dealt with quickly.

“Norman made sure the project delivered on all its aspects,” said developer Tom O’Brien, who was the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s director during several years of Big Dig construction. “He made it a huge civic goal, and it totally changed the city.”

0 Direction of Boston City Hall Plaza Transformation Open to Public

City Hall in Boston

Credit: BBJ

Boston’s City Hall has long been a debate about what it should have been or what it could be. Would you prefer to see it moved or rebuilt in its current spot?

From the Boston Business Journal:

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh has released, the 200,000-square-foot open-air plaza adjacent to City Hall in the heart of downtown Boston…The RFI seeks to gauge interest and information about the redesign of the plaza, which sees up to 30,000 people each day.

Interested parties can submit ideas on Twitter to @Marty_Walsh or @NotifyBoston using the hashtag #CityHallPlaza.